Do you have a Code of Conduct?
Founders Group International takes great pride in the quality of our golf operations, facilities, and staff. We are dedicated to providing positive and memorable experiences for our members and guests. This Code of Conduct is intended to ensure a safe, friendly, and respectful place for members, guests, and staff to gather in the spirit of cooperation, goodwill, fun, and friendly competition.
Code of Conduct
All members and guests will:
- Show respect for all others at all times.
- Display proper etiquette on the course and while using all areas of the facility.
- Do not engage in any form of sexual, racial, religious, or other discrimination or harassment.
- Not verbally or physically threaten or slander others, either personally, electronically, or through social media.
- Respect the golf course, golf cars, and facilities.
- Not conduct themselves in any rude or immoral manner, including the use of profane language, gestures, insults, and other such misbehavior.
- Comply with golf staff, restaurant staff, and maintenance staff requests.
- Abide by all state and local laws and regulations, including the possession of any illegal drugs and weapons on any Founders Group International property.
- Consume alcoholic beverages in a legal and responsible manner, purchasing all alcohol at the facility. Privately-owned coolers are not permitted on the premises.
Please note that the privilege of any individual to utilize Founders Group International may be denied, suspended, or terminated if it is determined to be in the best interest of Founders. Any member or visitor who violates or fails to observe the Founders Group International Code of Conduct may be sanctioned as follows:
- Issuance of a verbal or written warning.
- Suspension of his/her playing privileges or membership for a defined period of time.
- Revocation of his/her membership without monetary reimbursement.
- Monetary restitution for damage to property.